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Emergency Planning

The safety of staff and students is of prime importance.

The College has regular evacuation practices in preparation for a response to a fire, earthquake or any other emergency. There are also emergency lock-down practices held during the year.

In an emergency, we will use a range of methods to communicate with parents/caregivers:

  • Email
  • Through the school APP – alert
  • School Facebook
  • Notices on the website.

In the case of a major weather event, we often would keep students on site until the end of the day – even at times keeping them inside.  At the end of school day, we will set up procedures to ensure that they can travel home safely using public transport or need to be picked up by parents.

During a lockdown, we ask parents/caregivers not to come to the school until the lockdown has been lifted.

Other Major Emergencies – such as earthquakes, tsunami,

In the case of a major emergency, we would keep all students on the school grounds under the supervision of staff. The buildings would be checked and we would keep girls in those that are safe, otherwise we would assemble in our outside evacuation areas.

Students would not be released from school until we are sure of their safety for going home . Otherwise, we would keep students on site until they can be collected by a caregiver or another adult - provided the student feels safe and comfortable leaving with that adult. Records of all girls leaving would be kept stating when they left, with whom and intended safe location. It is important that all students are signed out in this way.

We are aware that some senior students may be designated to collect younger siblings but our priority is to ensure our students are safe, so they would not be released until we are confident they can travel safely to do this.

The school has built up supplies of food, water, first aid materials, and other equipment in the event we are required to keep students safe at school (for up to three days if necessary). We also have detailed plans for managing a range of emergencies.

Please discuss this in relation to your family emergency planning and make sure that your daughter understands your expectations in an emergency. We will make sure that school plans and the reasons for them are understood by the girls.

Please ensure your contact details are up to date with the school
Please consider downloading our App - as this will be used in communicating home