An interim report was sent out at the end of Term 2 to provide you with a snapshot of your child’s learning. (If you did not receive the report please check your spam folder and / or contact the school for another copy.)

  • Year 9 and 10 students: Learning Conferences will be held on Thursday 6th (2-6pm) August and Friday 7th. Further instructions for booking will be sent out early next week. A full written report, by subject teachers and Ako Teacher will be provided in Term 4. This will report individual subject progress made across the year with a view to next year.
  • Year 11 - 13 students. Parent teacher interviews will be held on Thursday 27th August from 4-7pm. A full written report by subject teachers with an NCEA update, will be provided by the end of term: Friday 25th September.
  • Year 10-12 students. Course Selection evening, on the 11th August 6pm-8pm. The aim of the evening is to inform you and your child of the wide range of courses on offer and to answer any questions you may have regarding subject requirements, NCEA, University Entrance and possible career pathways. The Heads of Departments and Deans will be available throughout the evening to answer any questions you may have about the courses on offer. We will also have various tertiary providers to help with planning courses and career options.

All Students

Please note there will be no face to face learning at school during Session 4 of 6th August and all day 7th August.  Students will be released at 12.50pm on the 6th August.Buses will be running at normal school time. This is due to the Year 9 and 10 Learning Conferences that are being held during this time. Students should continue their learning at home, online.