Following the hui last week to discuss in more depth the changes being made to Year 11 in 2024, please find attached a link to the video recording of the meeting:

We have collated some further FAQ’s based on the unanswered questions from the online participants:


What will we be doing to ensure students are prepared for higher learning at University?

During Year 11 students will focus on foundational learning for Level 2 and engage in one high stakes assessment for credits. This could be at NCEA Level 1 or NCEA Level 2 depending on the course. There will be other school based assessments throughout the year to give feedback to the students and whānau about their learning progress and identify next steps. 

In Year 12 students will continue with NCEA assessments to complete their NCEA Level 2 qualification. Part of the rationale for reducing the assessment in Year 11 is to focus on supporting the students to achieve a quality NCEA Level 2 over the two year period.

Year 13 will remain as it is now with students working towards NCEA Level 3 and University Entrance

Will this impact on University Entrance and Scholarship applications?

NCEA Level 2 is the qualification that Universities look at to award scholarships. A focus on achieving a good quality NCEA Level 2 will support students with scholarships and also to be better prepared for NCEA Level 3 and University Entrance.

Does this mean the maximum credits are reduced from 120 to 80?

At WEGC we will not be intending for students to aim to gain the full number of credits needed for Level 1 (60 credits) . We are aiming for one assessment per course - around 30 credits as well as gaining their literacy and numeracy co-requisites

For schools aiming for NCEA Level 1, the total number of credits able to be gained from each course could be 20.  If they do 5 subjects potentially 100 credits would be available.

Are all schools removing the 40 Level 1 credits?

The Ministry of Education through the NCEA review have made NCEA Level 1 optional. Many schools are considering a hybrid approach like ourselves or opting out of NCEA Level 1 altogether.

In Wellington the following schools are not offering NCEA Level 1:

  • Wellington Girls’ College
  • Wellington College
  • Wellington High School
  • Onslow College
  • Newlands College

What about apprenticeships and Defence Force? They used to recognize NCEA Level 1 - has that changed?

Our Careers Advisor has provided the following information:

Navy Sailor/ Army Soldier / Air Force Aviator 

The defence force provides training for most roles, there are minimum education requirements for all trades. These differ depending on the skill set required for the specific trade. However, the lowest education requirement is 10 credits in each NCEA Level 1 Literacy and Numeracy. Some trades differ in their age requirements, and may require you to have NCEA credits in specific subjects or a tertiary degree. Aptitude and fitness tests are also required to be past.

Further details

Navy Officer

  • have a minimum of NCEA Level 2 with 12 credits in English

Airforce officer

  • have a minimum of NCEA Level 2 with 18 credits in English, Maths and Science

Army Officer

  • have a minimum of NCEA Level 2 with 12 credits in English