Tēnā koutou katoa

With the move to Alert Level 1 from midnight Wednesdasy, there will be no major changes to what we are doing. Wellington East continues to be safe to attend for all, including any staff and children who are considered more vulnerable to COVID. We have a good cleaning routine in place, people who are sick are staying at home and we continue to encourage good hygiene practices.

We are supporting contact tracing by having QR code posters at our entrances – so if you haven’t already downloaded the NZ COVID Tracer app the Ministry of Health’s NZ-COVID Tracer app page has information to help you do that.

We can now look forward to inter-school and community sport, cultural events and performances and to welcoming all of our school community on site for these activities. 

  The key information for schools at Alert Level 1 are:

  • Be familiar with the key public health measures - Golden Rules - for everyone in New Zealand to follow.
  • Physical distancing is not a requirement but where possible or practicable is encouraged when you are around people you don’t know.
  • There are no specific public health requirements.
  • There are no restrictions on personal movement so all students and staff continue to be safe to go to school, and all students must attend school.
  • We continue to encourage contact tracing, we will continue with the usual practice of having a visitor and an attendance register and encourage you to scan the QR codes at our entrances.
  • There are no restrictions on numbers at gatherings or on physical activities including cultural and sporting activities, practices and events.

We are looking forward to seeing you very soon.

 Ngā mihi

Gael Ashworth
