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Enrolment Scheme

Wellington East Girls' College has an enrolment scheme.  Students living in our zone have automatic entry.  

Home Zone Boundary

Northern Boundary to a point on the harbour opposite the intersection of Brandon Street and Customhouse Quay.

Western Boundary south from the intersection of Brandon Street and Customhouse Quay along Willis Street.

The boundary runs west at Aro Street up to the intersection of Aro and Durham Streets. Included are all house numbers on the north side to 168 Aro Street and all houses on the south side to the intersection of Aro and Durham Streets.

Included are Boston, Epuni, and Alameda Streets and St Johns Tce. Houses in Devon Street, up to and including No 46, are included.

All houses in Essex Street are included.

The western boundary continues in a southerly direction to a point opposite the intersection of Karepa and Apuka Street.

The boundary then turns west and continues west to the sea. All houses in Karori are excluded.

Southern Boundary the sea.  

Eastern Boundary the sea.

Click to enlarge the example suburbs map

Click here for our Boundary Map